Friday, July 18, 2008

Welcome to our World Georgia!

After 9 months, 3 very long days and 1 fabulous epidural you were born on February 3, 2008 weighing in at 8 lbs 15 oz. Surrounded by our family we welcomed you into the world with open arms.

From the moment we laid eyes on you, you became our whole world. I instantly became a new person and realized a connection to someone else like I had never before. I will never forget my utter amazement and shock when I first held you and realized you were the best part of us.

Your first few days at home were a whirlwind of guests and family. Grammie stayed the week and was a tremendous help - she could hardly wait to start each day and see your pretty face. We had regular visits from Grannie and Grandpa, all of your Aunts and Uncles and friends. We also went to visit your great grandparents - what a lucky gal to have so many grand grandparents to love you.

I am grateful for you everyday, you are truly the greatest gift and blessing in our lives.

1 comment:

jjandb said...

"the best part of us" SOB! literally I am ...