Saturday, July 19, 2008

Georgia Meet your Makers

Georgie Girl you have some fabulous parents (If I don't say so myself) here is what you need to know:

Daddy (lovingly referred to as Dad-O) -
Your Dad is 30 years old and runs his own business selling and installing window coverings. Your Dad likes Sudoku, Asian foods, hanging out with friends and family, music and golfing. When I first met your Dad he had a multitude of career ideas but he has settled into his business and has worked very hard to make it grow.
Over the years Trevor has grown and matured into one of the kindest and most generous people I know. He is always there to lend a helping hand whenever asked, he is never to busy to run and get something for us and he is always looking for ways to step in and make life easier for you and I. He values our little family above all else and works very hard to ensure that we have a great life and an even better future. He is always smiling and is always a crowd pleaser. He is wonderful with kids and always has a fun game to play or something interesting to share. Your Dad has confidence in himself and others and believes that we can do anything we want to in time. Your Dad makes you laugh out loud and your favourite place is wrapped in his arms. You are definitely your Daddy's girl!

Mommy - Your mommy works for the Alzheimer Society as the Executive Director. I have been there for just over two years and enjoy the challenge that the job brings. Your mom loves to read, watch movies and to be with family and friends. More about mommy later ...

Where our Story Began-
Your Dad and I met over 10 years ago when I was in my last year of high school. We met at a local bar and quickly realized that we knew a lot of the same people and that we had actually met before. The first night that we met we talked into the early morning and set our next date for the very next day. I remember calling my friend and telling her that I didn't see your Dad and I dating for very long. Little did I know that within a few weeks your Dad and I would spend nearly every day together and very quickly fall in love. While we were dating, our road together was a bit rocky at times but we never waivered from the fact that we genuinely loved one another. In fact, my whole family invited Trevor on a family vacation while we were broken up within a week we were happily back together - thank you Jodie, Paul, Chris, Taren and Mom!
Over the years we realized that the best life for us was one that was spent together. Your Dad asked me to marry him in August 2003 and we married on October 23, 2004. Thanks to the help and support of our family we had the wedding of our dreams.

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Roy A. Hewitt said...
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