Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Shop till We Drop!

It is finally here! One of my favorite times of the year - SHOPPING SEASON!!! Or, as most of you likely call it "Christmas". All of the decorations are out in the stores, the parking lots at the malls are fuller, the Christmas Cd's have hit the shelves and Georgia and I have hit the stores. I have to say it is nice to have a partner this year to do my shopping with!

I can hardly wait to wrap Georgia's presents and place them under the tree. In the back of my mind, I know that she will not really be able to understand Christmas or to even open most of her presents, but that doesn't stop me from imaging our best Christmas yet - because we finally have something special to share the season with. I have already bought Georgia several things, all sense has left me, along with my best laid plans for staying on budget. The truth is that I have already given her almost everything that we bought (opps!) but, I do have plans on wrapping them all anyway.

This morning I was so excited to see my flyer's on the front porch just waiting for me like an early present. After eyeing all of the great deals, Georgia and I rushed out to the stores to make some of our shopping season purchases. We made it to all of the destinations that I had in mind and Georgia really did well staying awake and happy for the entire morning. But even the best shoppers need a nap every now and then! The poor bean literally shopped until she dropped!

So "Happy Shopping Season" to all of you - Let the fun begin!

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