Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A little bit of mommy in there...

Ever since Georgia has been born we have all commented on how much Georgia is just like her dad. It was not just that she looked like him, but she also demonstrated a very laid back personality just like her dad. She was quite content to just go with the flow, as long as you let her jump in her jumperoo for a few hours a day, she was content to let me trot her around to every mall in the tri-cities area and all of my friends houses.

But, just these past few months I am starting to realize there is also a whole lot of mommy in her too. While she is still a very content baby, she also has a dramatic streak in her too. She loves to play for an audience and will often mimic whatever noises she is hearing. She is very outgoing with other adults and children and talks non-stop. She has even started to show a little bit of my temper lately too. If she wants something, she isn't as patient as she used to be. She wants it NOW! I love this about her, she isn't going to wait for life to come to her - my girl is going to go out and get it!

It is so hard to believe that in a few short weeks she will be 1 year old! Where has the time gone?"

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