Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Look mom I can CRAWL!

Yesterday was a big day, all of the sudden my little baby was pulling herself up onto everything, and crashing to the ground after each attempt. Then this morning, I put Georgia down in the family room and she crawled over to me! I was so excited I called and emailed everyone to tell them the good news.

Here is a shot of Georgia's 2nd crawl (sorry Trev, I didn't quite get the first on camera...)

But then to be honest, as excited as I was, I couldnt help but to be sad (translation- burst into tears) that Georgia really isnt a baby anymore. She truly is a little toddler now...

PS - if you happen to catch the commentary in the video, it turns out that I didnt actually know what day it was.... Georgias first crawl was actually on Oct 29, not the 30th. But dont forget it was before my morning coffee :)

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