Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Swimming with Taylor

Erica and I have signed Taylor and Georgia up for Starfish swimming every Monday. It is great to have a cousin and sister in law to share these moments with!

Cathie came out and took some pics this past Monday, here are some of the pictures.

Look mom I can CRAWL!

Yesterday was a big day, all of the sudden my little baby was pulling herself up onto everything, and crashing to the ground after each attempt. Then this morning, I put Georgia down in the family room and she crawled over to me! I was so excited I called and emailed everyone to tell them the good news.

Here is a shot of Georgia's 2nd crawl (sorry Trev, I didn't quite get the first on camera...)

But then to be honest, as excited as I was, I couldnt help but to be sad (translation- burst into tears) that Georgia really isnt a baby anymore. She truly is a little toddler now...

PS - if you happen to catch the commentary in the video, it turns out that I didnt actually know what day it was.... Georgias first crawl was actually on Oct 29, not the 30th. But dont forget it was before my morning coffee :)

Gobble Gobble Georgie!

We spent thanksgiving weekend with lots of family, on Friday we celebrated over a fantastic dinner with Chad, Erica and Taylor. Then on Sunday we celebrated with my mom and family, then on Monday with Mary Cormier and ger family. What a weekend!

I wanted to post these pics of Georgia in her Thankgiving outfit from aunt Taren and of Georgia playing with her great nana and papa.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Roller Coaster Baby


Not Happy


Very Unhappy!

These days Georgia goes from happy to unhappy in seconds!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bringin Back My Booty!

Well, we are now are now at eight months and I have to come to the realization that you cant eat ice cream for nine months straight without consequences! So, this past week I started on a mission to bring back my booty!

So, for a few months I must say goodbye to moosetracks ice cream and hello to all things green (lettuce, broccoli etc.).

Why am I announcing it here? Well, mostly because once its out there, I simply cant go back! So, I hereby pronounce I am bringing back my booty, one salad at a time :) Wish me luck!