Thursday, July 24, 2008

These Magic Moments

I have never had a problem with change, in fact I would go so far as to say that I thrive in it. However, apparently when it comes to being a mother I dread it. Just when I think I have mastered something (i.e. bottles, schedules, diaper changes, formula mixing, infant car seat or whatever) something changes and I have to re-learn it all over again.

Just these past few weeks Georgia has been literally changing by the day, one day she learned how to roll over, the next day she could roll across a room. One day we mastered bottle feeding and bedtime routine, the next day we started cereal and decided we hate bed (we as in Georgia, I am actually a BIG fan of my bed). One day we used an infant seat, the next day we used a giant "big girl" seat.

I remember my friend Jenn (she will be impressed that she is getting 2 blog shout outs from me) mentioned that every time her son learned to do something or become more independent she found it sad that he didn't need her as much. I never really understood that until this week. Georgia is very quickly shifting from being a little baby to a little girl. She is learning new things everyday that make her more and more independent. She rarely wants to cuddle anymore, even if I sing her my bestest version of "you are my sunshine" the girl just isn't into it. She just wants to play. Just the other day I was telling someone how much she was changing and I started to cry! If I didn't know any better I would think I was pregnant again (don't worry I am not, I repeat NOT pregnant).

However in the midst of all of these changes and motherly angst this week, we did have one magic moment. When Georgia was sleeping I decided to do the unthinkable (note to reader: every mother highly recommends that you NEVER do this and I would only recommend this in extreme and desperate circumstances) I went into her her room, picked her up out of her crib and carried her over to the couch. She screamed bloody murder for a few minutes but then she was so tired she fell asleep on my chest. From that I got two heavenly hours of cuddling. Thanks Georgie your poor mom needed that!

Just to show my appreciation when Georgia woke up we promptly made a trip to the mall.


Andrew said...

good stuff julie. keep it up.

jjandb said...

The against her will reminds me of a certain tear jerker of a poem...
I love you forever
I like you for always
as long as I am living
my baby you'll be (weather you like it or not in this case...)

would I be the jenn in this blog with such insightful observations to pass on??? I hope so!!!

jjandb said...

I meant to say "against her will ROCKING" ... apperently there is no edit..

georgiesmom said...

Hi Jenn - yes it is you that I am referring to!