Sunday, February 22, 2009

One is Fun!

As promised, here are some pics from Georgia's big birthday bash at Busy Bee's. For this particular event G only had one costume to wear but I know my readers would be proud. She was decked head to toe in pink (Aunt Jodie was happy about that) with a gorgeous pink tutu, compliments of Grammie.
All of her pint sized friends attended the festivities, with the exception of Olivia who had a sick mommy. It was fun to have a "real" party for Georgia. Planning this party reminded me of Denby's birthday party, with the main exceptions being that this party was cheaper, less stressful and Georgia didn't run away to chase after a pig. I am afraid the tales of Denby's 1st Birthday bash will have to be saved for another blog, on another day...

Anyway, the party started out with some playtime. There were balls in a ball tub, a big bouncy thing and a whole whack of other little toys for kids of all ages. At 4 we served cake (check out picture below - the cake was made by Penny (thank you!) to look like Georgia). Unfortunatley Georgia did not want to try the cake at all.... but I have no doubt one day she will love cake!
Then we opened presents and the party wrapped up at 5. It was a great day!

Here is a collection of pictures generously taken by Cathie. It is so nice having a family member who loves to take pictures and keeps them. I have to say, I want to be a picture taker and I even carry my camera with me everywhere. But, I seldom take pictures and I seem to lose them all of the time. I guess it isn't in my makeup!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Georgia loves Daycare!

Making the transition from being at home to work has been difficult, I miss her every minute of everyday. But, what makes it easier is knowing how much Georgia loves being at daycare. As soon as we walk up to Michelle's door Georgia starts kicking her legs and babbling non-stop. It is obvious how much she loves to be around the other kids and she is learning in leaps and bounds since she started. If anything I am secretly saddened that she isn't sorry to see me leave!

Michelle was nice enough to pass along these pics of Georgia and Ruby at daycare. Here is the message from Michelle:

OMG is SO beautiful out out for a good hour walk and we did not want to come in for lunch:) Georgia fell asleep on Ruby's shoulder and then Ruby fell asleep...was SO cute!


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Thomas Loves Georgie!

Georgia has a playmate Thomas who at times is a little aggressive in his affection for her. They are just about the same age and the same size but when the two of them are together it really is something to watch! I think its puppy love already!

Confessions of a Shoe-a-holic

In an earlier somewhat tacky post I displayed my very much loved collection of shoes that Georgia owns. It looks like my love of shoes has passed onto Georgia already, one of her favourite things to do is dig through her shoe "basket" for goodies.
Juts this past month Georgia's feet have finally grown and we are into bigger shoes now (size 3), which means I really have to add to my collection!